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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OMG I think I might be addicted

Yeah. I am slowly becoming a running addict. Never thought it would happen...

I originally told myself that today was going to be a rest day. I ran Monday and then yesterday I walked a lot with my friend around the neighborhood looking for houses. My knee was twinging a lot last night as I walked the mall shopping so I day to rest.

Yeah right.

It started out with a note from my friend Lara about a groupon-type deal for 50% off registration to the Suncoast 5k in St. Pete in February. I was planning on making the Gasparilla 5k my first race but you cant beat $12 for race registration where all the proceeds go towards the Ronald McDonald house. So I consulted hubby and we signed up.

Then as I sat on my behind playing Lego Harry Potter and doing some cross body started to say " run run run run" After the last load was done in the dryer, I laced up my shoes and off I went, still wondering why I was going.

Intitially I was only going to go for a mile out and back. But without even realizing it, I turned down my normal 2 mile route and kept going. I did the whole run 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds thing in an attempt to build up endurance rather than speed. I have noticed that I tend to do fairly well at the beginning of my runs but want to wimp out at the end (walk longer, etc.). I tried not to let myself do that and walked every 90 seconds or so even if i wanted to keep going. That seemed to pay off as I felt pretty good at the end of my run and got 1 last 90 second jog in there as I came around the corner to my house.

Stupid GPS hasnt been syncing up on Endomondo but I know my route so well that I know I went about 2-2.1 miles and my watch told me I did that in 31:12. So about a 14:30 pace...I can take that. Short term goal is to stay below 15 and eventually drop to under 14 (the cutoff for the MCM sag wagon).

So on my 'rest' day I sign up for 2 5ks and do a 2 mile run. Yeah...I'm an addict...


  1. Ronald McDonald house is a great charity to help support. While never having actually had to use them, I did try to get in (they were always full) when my kiddo was in the hospital. Now, my sister works at a Ronald McDonald house :)

    Being an addict sounds like fun!! Races are a *blast*!! If I had lots of money I would love to travel to races all over the places.. The "fun runs" like mud runs are especially fun

  2. Way to go! I love it-- I've had "rest days" that turn not-so-restful after getting antsy, and it's a great feeling!
