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Saturday, November 26, 2011

new shoes!!!!

I decided I have been dealing with bad shoes long enough. I found a great store on the other side of the city called Fit 2 Run. They obviuosly specialize in running only. They have an indoor track, personal run trainers and training groups for the local runs. Anyhow, I made the trip over because they do free gait analysis for a proper shoe fit. So I went in and they first thing they did was do a digital scan of my feet to see my arch and where my weight distribution is. All in all, yes I have rather flat feet and more of my weight is slightly on the right side. Then they put you in decent shoes and put you on a treadmill for 30 seconds to see your gait. Turns out I overpronate which means my ankle curves inward every time my foot hits pavement, etc. I guess thats normal for flat feet. The salesguy was really nice and gave me three pairs to try on. I ended up going with the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12.   I also bought an arm strap for my phone and MP3 player. All in all a successful trip

Well of course I couldn't wait to get home and try out my shoes so I put them on and headed out for a quick one mile out and back. I changed two things from this morning: my shoes and running in the street to hit asphalt instead of concrete. My pace didn't radically change from this morning but I did notice myself running longer (90 sec-2 min) and not hurting as much. I feel muscle fatigue in my legs, which is what I want to feet rather than the semi-sharp pangs of earlier. Every one i know says I will be paining and aching for a while as my muscles get used to to running, so I'm not too worried about it. I jsut need to push through. Overall, I am very pleased with the new shoes and the level of support they give. Now I can't use crappy shoes as my excuse ;-)

Evening Endomondo specs:
1.0 miles

BTW, i feel like I have some motivation now. Some guy on the message boards suggested that my goal of running a marathon when I can't even run more than 90 seconds is a little out of my reach and that I should reconsider. Nothing like negative feedback to fuel my desire to succeed. In my past I have been put down a lot and been told that I couldn't do it...thanks to an awesome hubby and some good friends I have been changing that outlook. Before, a comment like that might have caused me to consider hanging up my shoes and going back. But now I just want to prove that I can do it. Sure, I don't have all of my intermediate goals spelled out in my posts but I know it's going to take a few years before i hit up a marathon and I want to have some 5ks and 10ks under my belt first. So, if you are reading this and you were the one that questioned me, have no doubt that I will succeed...and just cause I don't have all of my goals spelled out in my signature doesn't mean that I don't realize that a marathon is a long ways away..

Off to put my feet up and relax...


  1. Im glad that you arent letting that comment get to you. I was really peeved when I read that.. Its people like him that lead me to not going on RW as much. There seems to be a lot of the "holier than thou" runners on there.

    Cant wait to hear more of your improvements.

  2. yeah i was rather irritated when i read that but then i read what you and clips said...and thats what i actually like about RW...for every jerk out there, there are at least two that have your back! :-)
